
Illinois University Armenian professor presents air management system

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Illinois University Armenian professor presents air management system

YEREVAN, JANUARY 29, ARMENPRESS: The Armenian Professor of the Illinois State University Naira Hovakimyan has overcome many difficulties to make her management system theory applicable in the best universities of the world. Maybe many air crashes could not have occurred or there would not be the necessity to get the signal “to fasten seatbelts” if the companies use L1 management system. Armenpress had a talk with the scientist, who continues her scientific activity and has promising programs for the future.

- Would you describe L1 management system? What is its advantage of other similar systems?

- L1 management system enables to program the control systems, which will work without failures in the conditions of uncertainties. When you test it in reality, where there could be uncertainties and model deficiencies, wind and other distracting conditions, it is desirable that the control system keeps its stability and does not deviate from its trajectory. L1 management system provides with such an opportunity. It is not the first or the last. In comparison with the other control systems it provides better guarantees for stability in the conditions of uncertainties. It was recognized the best during the testing of a small NASA passenger airplane model.

- What is the spread and application of L1 management system? How well informed are the scientific circles on this innovation?

- They are informed and apply it but the competitiveness is very high. The large industrial complexes prefer having their own control system. If we take the industry of large planes, we will notice that they fly for years and have their developed program systems and the specialists, who passed special training. When they change their entire methods and philosophy and substitute their control systems with L1 management system, they will have to change and adjust their systems to L1, which will require considerable expenses. And that does not have any sense. They prefer to improve their own systems.

The newly established small companies, which start developing, want to duplicate L1. Many try to create their own systems, as it is quite expensive. The wide mass acceptance should be evaluated differently in this case. (THE FULL VERSION OF THE INTERVIEW IS AVAILABLE IN ARMENIAN)


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