
Reward, care, jealousy: professional characteristics of a cynologist

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Reward, care, jealousy: professional characteristics of a cynologist

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 13, ARMENPRESS. Starting the working day with love and smile, with no depression, sadness or anger. For already 3 years Hovnan Barseghyan, deputy commander of the Detective-Cynological Squad of the Center for the Implementation of Special Rescue Operations, is guided by this principles in his job. He says his fellow partner – Cesar, contributes to all of this.

“You should always start your work with positive emotions so that the partner dog perceives right the energy from you and your instructions and is able to effectively work with you. The right approach is half of the job”, he says.

Hovnan Barseghyan and the dog Cesar start their day with a game, a walk and then professional trainings. As Cesar is expecting unique training requirements, the trainings are usually accompanied by “rewards” and a special care.

“When the dog fulfills the orders during the training, we are trying to make him happy either with his food or toys. This is not only an attitude, but a key component of the work. We are trying to fully engage dogs in the trainings in this way”, he said.

Hovnan Barseghyan said that there are also many cases of jealousy, as Cesar does not tolerate when his boss loves or gives instructions to another dog.

“In that situation he either tries to obstruct or fulfills the instructions better than others”, Hovnan said.

The trainings focus mainly on rescue-search operations in damaged buildings, special training courses for dogs and development of skills. The main mission is to save people. Not only the professional trainings, but also their locations and “rewards” are being changed from time to time. There is a need to change the toys and the type of food.

The cynologist is a difficult profession, but at the same time it is obliging and gives pleasure. As for the professional features, Hovnan Barseghyan said the most important is the love towards pets, as well as perseverance, kindness and power to fight. “These are the most important factors necessary in this work”, he stated.

Hovnan Barseghyan recommends all those who want to become a cynologist to understand the sense of responsibility as they are going to work with a special partner.

Reporting by Anna Gziryan

Cameraman Hayk Barseghyan


Armenia, Yerevan, 0002, Martiros Saryan 22


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