Bill on criminalization of denial of Armenian Genocide to be discussed at Greek parliament at the end of the week
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YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 3, ARMENPRESS: The amended version of the bill on criminalization of the denial of the Armenian Genocide, which has been proposed for discussion at the Greek parliament, has deserved the approval of the majority of the MPs. The bill called “Fight against Xenophobia”, which requires criminal liability in case of denying not only the genocide of the Jews but Armenians and Pontic Greeks as well, will be discussed on Friday – September 5.
“In the amended version of the bill the Justice Ministry of Greece has implemented essential reforms and has predominantly focused on the case of the genocide. The bill forbids denial of the genocides recognized by the Greek parliament. GreekMinisterofJustice Atanasiu Haralambosstated in his speech that the bill first defends the democracy and fights against discrimination and intolerance”, Editor-in-Chief of “Free Day” (“Azat Or”) periodical Hripsime Harutyunyantold Armenpress.
The bill, which consists of six points, defines monetary penalty and prison for the persons, who will intentionally humiliate and deny at international courts the genocides recognized by the Greek parliament, as well the other crimes committed against humanity.
The bill will be adopted if the 101 out of the 51 PMs vote for it.
Accoridng to Hripsime Harutyunyan, during the meetings with the Armenian community it has turned out that the majority of the parliament is for adopting of the bill.
The parliament of Greece has recognized the Armenian genocide and every year on 24th ofApril the Greek government organizes memorial events in three big cities.