Ruling Civil Contract Party adopts new vision for NK conflict settlement
4 minute read

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 29, ARMENPRESS. The ruling Civil Contract Party of Armenia is adopting a new vision in relation to the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict: if in the past the status of Nagorno Karabakh was being considered a priority, which had to become the guarantee of rights and security of the Armenians in Nagorno Karabakh, now the priority will be the security and rights of the Armenians of NK, and the required status stems for the system of their guarantees.
“The war and its aftermath further exacerbated the vulnerability of Armenia’s foreign security,” Vice Speaker of Parliament, Member of the Board of Civil Contract Party Ruben Rubinyan said at the party congress. The unresolved NK conflict and relations with Turkey and Azerbaijan are a source of constant threat for Armenia’s security. And these threats must be managed and eliminated. We are convinced that the method of ensuring security for Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh is the development of coexistence, that is, a formula of not ruling out each other’s existence with all countries of the region, first of all our direct neighbors Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran and Georgia. Armenia must not be considered as a source of threat for neighbors, while neighbors should not be a source of threat for Armenia,” Rubinyan said, adding that reaching this goal is the Civil Contract party’s foreign policy priority.
Rubinyan added that raising the defensibility of the country doesn’t anyhow contradict this vision, furthermore it is an inseparable part of it.
“Addressing the NK conflict, the party is adopting a new vision for its resolution. Therefore, if in the past the status of NK was viewed as a priority, which had to become the guarantee of rights and security of the Armenians of Artsakh, now the security and rights of the Armenians of Artsakh are viewed as priority, and the required status stems from the system of guarantees. That system must guarantee that Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh live in their homeland, consider themselves Armenians, Karabakhis, Artsakhis. The implementation of any settlement program is impossible to be imagined without the respective involvement of NK,” Rubinyan said.
Based on these goals, the party is adopting three priorities for 2021-2026 – establishment of comprehensive and lasting peace, development of high-quality and accessible education system and building a professional, combat-ready military.
“Peace, modern education and a combat-ready professional army are the key factors for the protection of Armenia’s sovereignty, security and territorial integrity,” Rubinyan said.
The congress adopted the new party program and charter.