Ucom Joins the Regional Forum “DemArDem: Dialogue of Generations”
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Ucom, as an active supporter of educational programs in innovation and technology, announces its participation in the regional forum “DemArDem: Dialogue of Generations”.
The event, organized by the "Children of the Regions" NGO, will take place on March 29 at the Tashir Cultural Center.
Not only does Ucom support the organization of the event, but its employees also actively participate as mentors, panel discussion moderators, and in other roles.
The goal of this initiative is to create a platform where talented children living in the regions will have the opportunity to present their unique experience and success, inspiring both their peers and the older generation.
"It is a great honor for us to be the part of this forum and share our experience. Besides, we are happy to hear the ideas of young people, as they are often more open to change. We at Ucom are always ready to support such initiatives in different regions of Armenia to make the ideas of young people heard and help develop them," said Ralph Yirikian, General Director of Ucom.
"MEM has always prioritized the self-expression and development of young people living in the regions. This forum is another important step in creating opportunities for them to make their voices heard beyond their communities. Both cooperation and solidarity are key to our success. The involvement of partners like Ucom demonstrates that business, the public sector, and communities can unite to support the development of young people," said Aramayis Margaryan, President of the "Children of the Regions" NGO.
The forum, which will bring together 500 representatives of the younger and older generations, will give young people the opportunity to exchange experience with leading specialists, businessmen and intellectuals of Armenia.
It should be noted that the regional forum will feature speeches by young speakers, Q&A sessions, exhibitions, networking, a panel discussion, and finally, a final concert to turn the day into a celebration.
The digital and technological education of young people is a major component of Ucom’s Corporate Social Responsibility programs. Supporting this event also aligns with the company’s commitment to providing young people with opportunities to learn, develop, and drive change through their ideas and initiatives.
"Children of the Regions" is a socio-educational NGO aimed at creating a decentralized community of educated, patriotic leaders guided by strong values for the balanced development of Armenia.
Currently, the community includes over 400 active volunteers from all regions of Armenia and Javakhk, as well as more than 100 experienced mentors from Armenia and the diaspora.