Putin expresses solidarity with Armenian people on genocide remembrance day
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YEREVAN, APRIL 26, ARMENPRESS. Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed solidarity with the Armenian people in connection with the Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day during his phone call with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on April 26, the Kremlin said in a readout.
“Theleaders discussed developments around Nagorny Karabakh with afocus onresolving practical tasks toensure stability andsecurity intheregion. Inthecontext ofthecurrent aggravation ofthesituation intheLachin corridor, they confirmed theimportance ofstrict observance oftheentire set offundamental agreements reached bytheleaders ofRussia, Armenia andAzerbaijan. ThePresident ofRussia expressed solidarity with theArmenian people inconnection with therecent mournful date– Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. They also agreed tocontinue contacts atvarious levels,” the Kremlin said.