
Armenia President: "Today we are more determined than ever and are fully aware of our future steps"

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Armenia President: "Today we are more determined than ever and are fully aware of our future steps"

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 7, ARMENPRESS. President Serzh Sargsyan addressed a welcoming speech to the participants of the 11th Parliamentary Assembly of the Homentmen Armenian General Athletic Union. “Armenpress” was informed about the aforesaid from the Department of Public Relations and Mass Media of the Office to the President of the Republic of Armenia. The President welcoming speech reads:

Dear compatriots,

I cordially welcome the guests and the participants of the 11th Parliamentary Assembly of the Homentmen Armenian General Athletic Union.

Convening general meetings of various pan-Armenian institutions in the homeland has become a tradition which is very important and appreciable. Armenian General Athletic Union did not stand aside of the adopted position. This is one of the best examples of Armenia-Diaspora cooperation.

We have always been by Armenian organizations’ side and done our best to reinforce ties with the homeland, to be united over the homeland and promote activities centralized towards Armenia.

In this symbolic year when Armenians all over the world and the progressive humanity mark the centennial of the Armenian Genocide; we have proved once more that the will of the Armenians is unbreakable and their spirit is resolute as the winners are the nations whose struggle is just and the objectives - justified. The Artsakh liberation war is one of the brilliant testimonies of that. Today we are more determined than ever and are fully aware of our future steps which we will bring to life together with our diligent work side by side.

During almost a century of its existence, the Armenian General Athletic Union has proved its commitment to the gratifying work of patriotic upbringing of Armenian young people living in different parts of the world and preservation of Armenian identity. The new challenges, that the Armenian state, Artsakh and the Diaspora faces more than ever presuppose unity of our forces and sober activities. We will proceed by our path of fair cause unitedly and will pave the way of our victory together.

I wish you new achievements and efficient work.”



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