European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs calls for sanctions against Azerbaijan
5 minute read

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 29, ARMENPRESS. European Parliament's CommitteeonForeign Affairs has adopted the annual reports on the implementation of the common security and defense policy and the implementation of the common foreign and security policy.
Armenpress Brussels correspondent informs the reports condemn Azerbaijan’s aggressive policy, pre-planned military attack against Nagorno-Karabakh.
The annual report on the implementation of the common security and defense policy asserts that the attack carried out by Azerbaijan cannot remain without consequences and calls on the EU to impose sanctions against the Azerbaijani authorities, which are responsible for numerous violations of the ceasefire. It is also called to suspend the memorandum of understanding on energy and, taking into account the recent events and the dramatic situation of human rights in Azerbaijan, to stop the negotiations on a new partnership agreement with Azerbaijan.
Given the recent events and the concerning human rights situation in Azerbaijan, the report recommends halting negotiations on a new partnership agreement with the country.
Any deepening of EU relations with Azerbaijan must be conditioned on the country making substantial progress in safeguarding human rights, upholding the rule of law, promoting democracy, and protecting fundamental freedoms, including the rights of ethnic minorities.
The report applauds the establishment of the European Union civilian mission in Armenia, which aims to contribute to the enhancement of security in the region. It calls on the European Council to increase the number of experts included in the mission, to increase the mission's capabilities and geographical scope. The report recommends extending the deployment period for an additional five years.
The report calls on Azerbaijan to allow the deployment of the same mission on its territory and in Nagorno-Karabakh. It also highlights the EU's support for the defense of Armenia's security, independence, and sovereignty. The report calls for promoting more comprehensive and expanded defense cooperation between the parties.
The European Council is urged to be prepared to implement targeted and individual sanctions against those responsible for aggression but not be limited to the political and military circle of President Aliyev, and to stop importing oil and gas from Azerbaijan in the event of any military aggression by Azerbaijan against the territorial integrity of Armenia.
The annual report on the implementation of the common foreign and security policy condemns Azerbaijan's pre-planned and unjustified attack against the Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians and demands the protection of the Armenian cultural, historical and religious heritage in Nagorno-Karabakh in accordance with UNESCO standards and Azerbaijan's international obligations. The report supports ongoing peace talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which have been seriously hampered by the recent military operation against Nagorno-Karabakh and de facto ethnic cleansing.
The report reaffirms its support for the democratically elected government of Armenia and expresses full respect for the country's sovereignty, democracy, and territorial integrity. It commends Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan for his announcement that Armenia will not be drawn into a new war with Azerbaijan and appreciates his recent calls to resume peace talks with Azerbaijan at the highest level. Furthermore, the report welcomes Armenia's decision to ratify the Rome Statute.
Lilit Gasparyan