Germany demands from Azerbaijan respect human rights
3 minute read

German Bundestag Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid Committee adopted a resolution November 9 demanding from Azerbaijan compliance with the standards of the Council of Europe. Christian-Democratic Union, Free Democratic Party, Germany's Social-Democratic Party, the Greens voted in favor of the resolution and the Lefts abstained from voting.
The resolution runs:
"Azerbaijan is a member of the Council of Europe since 2001, and has signed the European Convention on Human Rights in April 2002, committing itself to adhere to standards of human rights noted in it. Azerbaijan has undertaken the obligation voluntarily, and the fulfillment of these obligations should be expected. In March 2009 the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) appointed Christoph Strasser rapporteur on political prisoners in Azerbaijan. It means that the speaker has the right of free access to prisons in Azerbaijan. But the Azerbaijani government refused to give a visa to Christoph Strasser, and the latter had to postpone his visit to Baku indefinitely.
At the same time, the situation of political prisoners in Azerbaijan is a cause for concern. Opposition members, journalists and bloggers are harassed and sentenced to imprisonment. Therefore, it is very important that the Council of Europe, through its speaker, be able to have an idea on the level of state standards of the European Convention on Human Rights in Azerbaijan.
Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Assistance:
- expects that all members of the Council of Europe, including Azerbaijan, will fulfill obligations undertaken while joining the Council of Europe, including the obligation to cooperate with the reporters who have been assigned;
- calls on the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to advice Azerbaijan to allow immediately the entry of the Council of Europe's rapporteur on political prisoners Christoph Strasser, and to provide all necessary support to his to carry out his mandate;
- calls on the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to strive Azerbaijan to meet the standards which it has willingly accepted as a member of the Council of Europe, and conducted comprehensive measures to comply with the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms;
- welcomes the efforts of the German Government urging Azerbaijan to comply with standards of human rights."