Armenia makes every effort to encourage the development of "North-South" and "East-West" directions. Prime Minister
9 minute read
YEREVAN, JUNE 8, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan participated in the regular session of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council in Sochi, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister delivered a speech, in which he specifically stated:
"Dear Heads of Government,
Dear members of delegations,
First of all, let me thank our Russian colleagues and Mikhail Vladimirovich Mishustin personally for the hospitality and the traditionally high level of organization of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council session and related events.
This year, for the first time, we celebrated the Eurasian Economic Union Day, which is associated with the signing of the Union Treaty on May 29, 2014, and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of us on this significant event.
During these nine years, we have achieved considerable success.
Today, the EAEU plays a key role in strengthening economic ties, establishing a single market, promoting trade and creating a favorable environment for business and investment, and has achieved significant results that have had a positive impact on the lives of our citizens.
I am confident that our Union will continue to move towards achieving the goals set at the basis of its creation.
Dear colleagues,
Freedom of movement of goods, services, capital and labor is one of the main principles of integration and largely predetermines the reason behind creation and operation of our integration union.
Consistent improvement of the legislative framework in such sensitive areas as the recognition of academic degree and title documents, driver's licenses, and electronic documents authenticated by electronic signatures is an important factor in the practical implementation of the goals of the four freedoms.
In this context, I consider it important to sign an agreement on the mutual recognition of documents regarding scientific degrees, which will allow their holders to carry out professional activities in the country where they work within the framework of labor migration.
We commend the work carried out in the direction of the elimination of obstacles in the EAEU internal market. I would like to note that at the moment the Republic of Armenia does not have any obstacles to enter its market.
We certainly support and consider the introduction and development of mediation procedures aimed at ensuring the functioning of the internal market of the Union to be highly demanded. The task of the Commission should not be reduced to the formal recording of violations of Union law. Our supranational body should act based on the critical importance of ensuring the full-fledged and smooth functioning of the internal market of the Union in order to achieve our ultimate and most important goal - the well-being of citizens of the EAEU countries.
From the point of view of preventing the emergence of new barriers to trade in the future, it is crucial to continue working towards achieving carbon neutrality and moving towards a green agenda.
In general, we support the approach of coordinated actions of states in the climate sphere within the framework of the Paris Agreement to equalize the tension of the plans for decarbonization of the member states' economies.
In the context of the transition of partnership from a declarative to a more practical direction, I would like to note the development of the First Package of Actions on Climate Change. The existence of a coherent and realistic program and a pragmatic approach to its development and implementation can indeed multiply the expected results in terms of technological development and ensure the consolidation of efforts made by each Member State.
Let me note that long-term goals for low-carbon development can be achieved if the share of renewable resources is increased. The development of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, green technologies and environmentally friendly infrastructures will undoubtedly contribute to increasing competitiveness in the global market.
Obviously, the climate agenda today rests on such a layer of issues as the technological transformation of the economy and the transition to a new technological platform.
The digital economy is an objective reality of today. Digital technologies create sources of competitive advantage for states.
The full implementation of the “Digital Agenda” and the general processes of the EAEU Integrated Information System in the Member States will be a powerful incentive for the development of the digital economy and the rapid implementation of economic processes between our countries.
Logistics is another area that has a significant impact on end-user pricing and requires digital solutions as well.
One of solutions is the use of navigation seals, which not only allows optimizing logistics by ensuring absolute “transparency” and “uninterrupted” transportation, but also simplifies and speeds up the delivery of goods to the recipient.
Despite the steps already taken, we still face certain difficulties. In this regard, I want to emphasize the importance of cooperation between the Member States on strengthening logistics chains, developing and modernizing transport infrastructure.
In the context of the development of the Eurasian transport space, the development and implementation of priority integration infrastructure projects, as well as the development of specific mechanisms for financing these projects, including through the use of the potential of such financial institutions as the Eurasian Development Bank, Armenia is making every effort to provide the necessary conditions for encouraging development of the strategic directions "North-South" and "East-West".
Dear participants of the session,
In parallel, the EAEU continues to be active in the international arena. The conclusion of a free trade agreement with Iran will be a strong impetus for the development of strategic relations and an important direction for the development of cooperation. The work done for concluding a full-scale agreement made it possible to form a package of agreements providing for preferential access for exports of the Union Member States to Iran. Such conditions of access to the Iranian market for our exporters can be called exclusive.
We believe that this year, with the support of the member states of the Union, we will be able to sign this agreement, given that the Iranian side, in turn, demonstrates the same readiness.
In conclusion, I would like to wish us all success and fruitful work and once again confirm the readiness of the Armenian side to make efforts to implement the priority areas of Eurasian integration.
Taking this opportunity, dear Mikhail Vladimirovich, I would like to congratulate you on the occasion of the national holiday - Russia Day, which will be celebrated on June 12, and wish all Russians peace, well-being and prosperity.
Thank you for attention".