
Greek historian publishes book on Armenian Genocide

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Greek historian publishes book on Armenian Genocide

ATHENS, JULY 31, ARMENPRESS. The Greek historian Teofanis Malkidis in his new work “Armenia, Armenians, justification” touched upon the genocide of the Armenians, Greeks, Kurds and Assyrians in the Ottoman Empire 100 years ago and stressed that today as well Turkey has not changed its style and principles and continues the genocide against the national minorities living in the country. Armenpress reports that the book, published with the assistance of the Greek Committee coordinating the events devoted to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, presents facts, photos, documents and testimonies.

“During the time I understood how thankful and grateful I am to the Armenian people. It is thanks to them that the world today speaks a lot about the genocide prevention. Their contribution is great in changing the conscience of the world leaders and leading a fair struggle against genocides”, - stated Teofanis Malkidis, adding that 100 years after as well Turkey has not changed its style and principles. “By now Turkey not only has not yet recognized the crimes it committed against the humanity a century ago, but it still continues the same genocidal policy. The death of Hrant Dink, what happened to Kurds and the mass killings in Syria are of its consequences”, - said the author.

Teofanis Malkidis was born in Alexandropoulos to parents who migrated from Adrianopolis and settled in Greece after the genocide. Malkidis has a PhD in Social Sciences and is a member of the International Academy of Genocide Studies which, in 2007, recognized the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian Genocides.

The professor has given speeches devoted to the Genocide at forums, seminars and meetings held in Greece and abroad. He has been honored for his contributions to the recognition of the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian Genocides in Greece and abroad.

Teofanis Malkidis’ articles have been translated into Armenian, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Romanian and Albanian. Malkidis has also translated books devoted to the Armenian and Greek Genocides into Greek.



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