Michel Legrand: In Armenia I feel to be in my grandfathers’ land and become more emotional
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YEREVAN, OCTOBER 2, ARMENPRESS: The words "the talented Armenian is talented in everything" are not in vain. This saying more than meets the French Armenian composer, musician and piano player Michel Legrand, whose life experience has proven that talent is a thing that everybody has got, but not everyone can use it.
Armenpress presents its exclusive interview with the world famous composer Michel Legrand.
Mr. Legrand, on October 20 you will celebrate your 80th anniversary in Armenia. With what feelings you will participate in the jubilee party, organized in your homeland?
Every time, when I come to Armenia, the first thought I have is that I am on my grandfathers' land and I am enwrapped by the feeling of deep request. In general, on those days I become more emotional. Before the massacres implemented by the Turks my grandfather was the last from our family to remain in Armenia, who then escaped to France and gave birth to my mother, and then the Armenians were spread through me and my children.
Every time I come to Armenia, I again live through all this. I wish to shake hands with all the Armenians, with whom we are connected with inseparable ties. Armenia is a country, which was under pressure much and lived many dramatic moments, tragedies, but it is pleasant that currently the country is reviving.
During your childhood the best friend of yours was the piano. Now whom you entrusted this "position"?
You are right. The piano has always been and remains my best friend.
You have issued more than a hundred CDs. Are you satisfied with the productivity of your work or you could have done more? What news from you should we be waiting for?
I am satisfied that I can write and compose. I am satisfied with my music, which is not so bad, I guess. In the future as well I will continue doing my work, composing music as I have always done and I will continue recording progress. I hope that they would be more and more interesting.
You have been rewarded with all the possible awards: 3 Oscars, 5 Grammies and Emmies, 12 Golden Globes. Is there any award, about which you have dreamed of?
All the awards are equal to me. The most important thing is the inner world and the heart of the person. The most important is the recording continuing progress in your work. And you should not forget about the circumstance to work with your heart.
When you look back at your past, what do you regret for? What would you like to change?
I do not regret about anything. It is quite late to change something. I do not look back at my past, it does not interest me, as everything that is today will become yesterday tomorrow.
One more question concerning the Armenian Genocide. All the Armenians of France struggle against the denial. What do you think what results this struggle would bring to?
The Armenians of France have always struggled so that the Armenian Genocide is recognized in France. They have fought as well that their country (meaning Armenia) would win and be stronger. All the Armenians of the world struggle that the Genocide is recognized, as in case of the Shoah (Holocaust).
Interviewed by Arusik Zakharyan