
Armenia’s position on status of Jerusalem remains unchanged – MFA spokesman

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Armenia’s position on status of Jerusalem remains unchanged – MFA spokesman

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 22, ARMENPRESS. Armenia attentively follows all developments with regard to Jerusalem since the Armenian Apostolic Church is one of the guardians of the Christian Holy Places, Armenian foreign ministry spokesman Tigran Balayan told ARMENPRESS.

“Armenia has already expressed its position on the status of Jerusalem and has not changed it. The status of Jerusalem is one of the most important issues on the international agenda and should be solved through the negotiations within the context of the acceptable solution for the parties to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This can pave the way for the establishment of a lasting peace and security”, he said.

Tigran Balayan stated that Jerusalem has a centuries old Armenian presence, a rich Armenian historical and cultural heritage. “Armenian Apostolic Church is one of the guardians of the Christian Holy Places. Therefore, we attentively follow all developments with regard to Jerusalem. We took note of the recently expressed positions on Jerusalem recognizing that they do not prejudice the determination of the final status of Jerusalem through negotiations”, the MFA spokesman noted.

The UN General Assembly on December 21 adopted a resolution calling on the US to refrain from its decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. 128 states voted in favor of the resolution, 35 abstained and 9 were against.

Armenia also voted in favor of the resolution.


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