
Upcoming news for 29.01.2016

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Upcoming news for 29.01.2016

YEREVAN, JANUARY 29, ARMENPRESS. “Armenpress” state news agency introduces on the air of all that you will read, hear and see on today’s news.

The Government of the Republic of Armenia gets down to business on January 28 – a day after Army Day in Armenia. Today the sitting of the Executive Branch will be held. The agenda includes more than 3 dozens of issues related to various sectors. The Government is going to approve the draft law granting land by property right to the United Arab Emirates. The aim of the aforementioned is the construction of the embassy building. The land is located on Admiral Isakov Avenue in Yerevan.

Personal data protection and freedom of information: a working discussion on the topic will be held. The processes of personal data protection, main issues connected with personal data protection and freedom of information, decisions made by theEuropean CourtofHuman Rights concerning the sphere, challenges to personal data protection on the internet in Armenia will be presented during the discussion.

What is the situation in Armenia connected with influenza and acute respiratory diseases? Director of the Republic of Armenia Healthcare Ministry’s National Center for Disease Control and Prevention Artavazd Vanyan will respond to the question.

Nutritionist Hasmik Abovyan and Head of "Consumer Counseling Center" NGOKaren Chilingaryan will speak about the control on the market of meat, dairy and meat products, as well as the hoof-and-mouth disease spread in Armenia, the possibility of humans being infected with the disease, ways of prevention.

The National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia summarizes rates of population’s natural movement of 2015: birth rate, death rate, marriages, divorces. Head of Population Census and Demography Division Karine Kuyumjyan will present the data.

Komitas Museum-Institute becomes one year old. Director of Komitas Museum-Institute Nikolay Kostandyan, Deputy Director Sarina Avtandilyan and Head of the Scientific Council Mher Navoyan will sum up the activities carried out in 2015, as well as present the plans for the future.

The newly formed “The sounds of art” jazz band will be introduced to the Armenian audience for the first time.

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