
Heated battles continue in Kessab

1 minute read

Heated battles continue in Kessab

YEREVAN, MAY 13, ARMENPRESS. In the neighborhood of Kessab town in Chalma region, on May 13 during the clashes with the Syrian army 19 militants were killed. As reports "Armenpress", referring to "Latakia Information Network" Facebook page, Mohammed Abud al Dilan, well-known in Deir ez-Zor, is among the killed militants.

In addition, another 8 militants were killed, 11 injured in attacks by the Syrian Army near the southern entrance of Kessab.

A day before in Chalma region more than a dozen militants were killed, including their leader.

On March 21 after the attack on Kessab region by the fighters, a part of the Kessab-Armenians found refuge in the two halls of Latakia Holy Virgin Church, others live with their relatives or in rented houses. The attacks were carried out by "Jabha an Nusra" and "Jeysh al-Islam" groups under Turkey's direct assistance. Till now Turkey continues to supply weapons and to fund the militants.


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