Russian, U.S. President issue joint statement on strategic stability
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YEREVAN, JUNE 16, ARMENPRESS. Presidents of Russia and the USA Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden have issued a joint statement on strategic stability. As ARMENPRESS was informed from the press service of the Kremlin, the statement runs as follows, .
''We, President oftheUnited States ofAmerica Joseph R. Biden andPresident oftheRussian Federation Vladimir Putin, note theUnited States andRussia have demonstrated that, even inperiods oftension, they are able tomake progress onour shared goals ofensuring predictability inthestrategic sphere, reducing therisk ofarmed conflicts andthethreat ofnuclear war.
Therecent extension oftheNew START Treaty exemplifies our commitment tonuclear arms control. Today, we reaffirm theprinciple that anuclear war cannot be won andmust never be fought.
Consistent with these goals, theUnited States andRussia will embark together onanintegrated bilateral Strategic Stability Dialogue inthenear future that will be deliberate androbust. Through this Dialogue, we seek tolay thegroundwork forfuture arms control andrisk reduction measures''.