YEREVAN, 16 APRIL, ARMENPRESS.Karen Khachaturian, who is the son ofgreat composer Aram Khachaturianand is visiting Armenia, paid a visit to the Komitas Museum-Institute on April 16. Karen was accompanied by Advisor to the President of the Republic of Armenia, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Armen Smbatyan. Prior to the visit, Karen Khachaturian paid tribute to his father near his tomb at Komitas Pantheon.
According to “Armenpress”, Director of Komitas Museum-Institute Nikolay Kostandyan introduced the guest to the museum, the halls of which showcase samples and personal items depicting the heritage of Komitas in Armenian music. What attracted the guest was the rare photo showing Aram Khachaturian laying flowers near the tomb of Komitas. The photo is showcased at the After Komitas Hall.
Summing up his impressions, Karen Khachaturian left the following note in the book for guests of honor:“I experienced moments of amazement as I became familiar with the materials showcased at the Komitas Museum-Institute. I reassessed the life and career of the great Armenian. I thank those who have made their contribution to the creation of this museum.”