
Azerbaijani officials are of utopian nature and have vivid imagination: Sharmazanov

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Azerbaijani officials are of utopian nature and have vivid imagination: Sharmazanov

YEREVAN, JULY 27, ARMENPRESS: Azerbaijani high ranking representatives continue to come forth with the statements, causing laughter even in Azerbaijan. At the briefing with Armenpress, Armenian National Assembly Vice President Edward Sharmazanov dwelled on Azerbaijani Deputy Prime Minister Ali Hasanov statement, as if Azerbaijan is going to ‘’ reoccupy occupied territories’’.

‘’ I do not think we should seriously take similar statements. Those calls have become Azerbaijani propaganda machine key points, in other case they have nothing to do’’ Sharmazanov underscored. In his words Armenia’s stance is very clear: Nagorno Karabakh has been and continues to remain in that status. ‘’ Artsakh people themselves manages their own destiny’’.

‘’ Such statement initiators do not leave an impression of professional political figure. Instead of registering success in negotiation process, following encouragements by co-chairs states and international organizations Azerbaijan goes on coming up utopian nature and vivid impression statements.

Azerbaiajni Deputy Prime Minister Ali Hasanov noted in the statement ‘’ Armenia has to compensate Azerbaijan by 100 billion dollar for occupied territories''.


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