Hayk Demoyan: Events dedicated to 100th year of Armenian Genocide to open a new page
3 minute read

The 100th year of Armenian Genocide and the events organized on that occasion will open a new page for international awareness on the genocide and new revelations of its still unstudied pages. During today's all-Armenian conference of heads and representatives of Diaspora organizations Hayk Demoyan, director of RA NAS Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, said that Armenia-Diaspora cooperation must also become an important impetus for distinct formulations on concept groundings concerning elimination of consequences of the Armenian Genocide.
Hayk Demoyan attached high importance to conduction of events on the occasion of 100th year of the genocide, which will have both local and international significance. According to him, it is important that the theme of the genocide, its lessons and consequences are presented and commented in the context of the world and local history and memory.
According to the Director of the Genocide Museum, the initiatives of the Armenian party must promote that the topic of the Armenian Genocide is not perceived only as an Armenian-Turkish issue. "Instead, giving them an international resonance, one of the most important goals of the Armenian party must be international recognition of the Armenian Genocide and promotion to condemnation process," Hayk Demoyan said, adding that we have well-consolidated structures in Diaspora, which have played huge role in condemnation of the genocide and increase of international competence, so the combination of efforts is very important in this issue.
Reconciliation with Turkey will start by the time that country recognizes the genocide it has committed, Hayk Demoyan stressed.
In international recognition of the genocide in Armenia-Diaspora cooperation Hayk Demoyan attached importance to division of work: RA diplomatic missions must work wherever Armenia has its deed as an international legal subject, and Diaspora structures must work wherever they can have a role.