Karabakh conflict

EU to provide emergency humanitarian aid to civilians affected in NK conflict

2 minute read

EU to provide emergency humanitarian aid to civilians affected in NK conflict

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 2, ARMENPRESS. Following anoutbreak of fightingin the Nagorno Karabakh conflict zone, the European Union is announcing an allocation of emergency humanitarian aid to all the civilian population affected by the conflict, on both sides of the contact line, European Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič said on Twitter, adding that the funding will deliver health support, medical equipment, food packages, and other urgent help to several thousand people.

In another Twitter post Janez Lenarčič said the fightingin Nagorno Karabakh already claimed civilian lives.“International humanitarian law must be respected and the protection of civilian life and infrastructure ensured.The EU stands in solidaritywith all the people affected by the violenceand is ready to provide further humanitarian support, should human suffering continue.We call for an immediate end to hostilities.”

“The initial funding of €500,000 will help EU humanitarian partners, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, provide immediate relief to those affected by the fighting. All EU humanitarian funding is provided in line with the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence, and is channelled through international organizations, UN agencies and NGOs”, he said.


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