
Speaker Mirzoyan calls on heads of parliaments of CSTO states to condemn Azerbaijani provocation

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Speaker Mirzoyan calls on heads of parliaments of CSTO states to condemn Azerbaijani provocation

YEREVAN, JULY 13, ARMENPRESS. Speaker of Parliament of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan has sent letters to the speakers of houses of parliaments of the CSTO member states, presenting the July 12-13 provocative operations launched by Azerbaijan on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border.

“I addressed letters to the speakers of houses of parliaments of the CSTO member states, introducing the provocative actions launched by the Azerbaijani armed forces in the direction of Armenia’s north-eastern border, calling them to condemn these actions”, Mirzoyan said on Facebook.

On July 12, at about 12:30, the armed forces of Azerbaijan attempted to violate the state border of Armenia in an UAZ vehicle in the direction of Tavush province. Following the warning of the Armenian side, the Azerbaijani armed forces left the vehicle and returned to their position. At about 13:45, the Azerbaijani forces made a second attempt to capture the Armenian border post, using artillery fire, but were pushed back, suffering losses.

The Azerbaijani defense ministry reported that four soldiers have died in the incident.

Later that day Armenian defense minister’s spokesperson Shushan Stepanyan announced that the Azerbaijani side restarted shelling the same Armenian position, using 82 mm mortars and a tank.

On July 13 Shushan Stepanyan announced that the Azerbaijani side has again resumed shelling the Armenian positions.

No casualties were reported from the Armenian side. Only two police officers, who were on a combat duty in the border, were slightly injured from the Azerbaijani operations.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan


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