
Armenia’s participation in 2nd round of Black Sea Basin CBC Programme to be more comprehensive

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Armenia’s participation in 2nd round of Black Sea Basin CBC Programme to be more comprehensive

YEREVAN, MARCH 13, ARMENPRESS. 54 million Euro budget directed for the second round of the Black Sea Basin Cross-Border Cooperation program is not being divided separately among 8 countries participating in the program, Garegin Melkonyan - First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Investments, told “Armenpress”.

Like in the first round of the Black Sea Basin CBC Programme 2007-2013, in the second round as well 8 beneficiary countries are Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Moldova, Greece and Ukraine.

Melkonyan said in the preparation stage Azerbaijan could also be a potential beneficiary, however, due to a developments, it dropped out of the program despite having Turkey’s assistance.

“Since here the idea is the cooperation, and Azerbaijan was not inclined to that, we came to a conclusion as a result of discussions that country to be dropped out of this cooperation program”, Melkonyan said.

The Deputy Minister stated this program, which is being carried out under the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI), is unique in a sense that the beneficiaries can be public and private authorities as a result of which there is a chance to form cooperation packages between them. Garegin Melkonyan said a number of events were held in Yerevan and various provinces of Armenia on raising awareness about the details of the program one of which will be held on March 14 in Yerevan, and the next one on March 16 outside of Yerevan.

“We aim to inform the public about the program so that the structures and organizations can maximally use it. We over a year are actively speaking about it. There are no limits for the organizations to submit applications for the program, the field is open for every organization. 54 million Euro directed for the program has no separation in terms of any country. In other words, the country, which will be more active, informed, professionalized, ready, as well as capable of implementing competitive programs, will benefit more”, the Deputy Minister said.

As a responsible body for this program, the respective division created under Romania’s Ministry of Economy has been selected. The applications will be submitted online to that respective body.

Melkonyan informed that currently no applications were received. Recently the Armenian structures started to show interest and activeness on presenting ideas and programs. The Deputy Minister said the deadline for presenting programs is May 31.

As for the first round of the Black Sea Basin CBC Programme, the Deputy Minister said Armenia was presented in 22 programs. He stated that there are a number of successful programs, however this cooperation program was yet a new.

Melkonyan expressed confidence that Armenia’s involvement will be more comprehensive in the second round of the program and they will be more competitive which will enable to win more programs and bring them to Armenia. The Deputy Minister added that the programs must be based on the cooperation idea and their proposals must offer involvement of 2-3 beneficiary countries. “In other words, the program must not be designed only for one country. The idea is that it must be based on cooperation”, Garegin Melkonyan said.


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