
We must stand up and start popular movement. Artsakh State Minister

15 minute read

We must stand up and start popular movement. Artsakh State Minister

STEPANAKERT, 13JULY, ARMENPRESS:Artsakh State Minister Gurgen Nersisyan addressed the people of Artsakh and Armenia, all the Armenians around the world, the Russian Federation and the international community which have a major role in this situation, noting that the people of Artsakh are facing biggest threats. He also added that since the physical safety of our people is not guaranteed, moreover, there is ominous threat of human extinction, it is necessary to stand up and start popular movement.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the office of the State Minister, the message states:

"Dear people of Artsakh, Armenians around the world,

Since September 27, 2020 the Republic of Artsakh is experiencing serious trials. Our people had to pass through pogroms, torture, deportation and suffering for the umpteenth time. From December 12, 2022, along with all that, the blockade of Artsakh began - the blocking of the artery connecting Artsakh to Armenia. Since that day, the people of Artsakh have gone through many trials, preserving their honor and dignity. The people of Artsakh, assuming their part of responsibility for the protection of homeland, have reaffirmed to the world and all Armenians that our right to live with dignity in the homeland is inalienable, and the people of Artsakh have paid the ultimate price for that right. Difficult living conditions, lack of food, cold and darkness cannot compel us to abandon our identity, dignity, basic human rights to manage our own destiny and live in a peaceful and safe environment. The people of Artsakh suffered and are still suffering these trials and bitterness in front of the eyes of Armenia, all the Armenians around the world and the international community.

Since March 1, 2023, I’ve assumed the position of State Minister of the Republic of Artsakh and from the first day we’ve started preparing the country to resist more difficult and tough challenges. Although Artsakh was under blockade, we had limited opportunities, the needs of Artsakh people were met to a minimum extent by only a dozen truckloads of humanitarian cargo organized just a few times a week, yet we were able to prepare people for the next provocation by Azerbaijan- the total blockade of the people of Artsakh.

Today is the 29th day that Artsakh is under a total blockade. For 29 days Artsakh, lacking enough level of self-sufficiency, lives at the expense of its internal resources. For 7 months the people of Artsakh live in the absence of basic living conditions, gas and energy supply to Artsakh is cut off. It is evident that our resources are not inexhaustible and no matter how sparingly they are used, they will run out one day, and then we will have disastrous and irreversible losses and consequences. It is not just about nutrition; fortunately, the long-suffering people of Artsakh have always been able to meet their minimum needs with their work, but the limited number and the blocking of importing other supplies necessary for the basic life activity of the public are already causing serious threats and problems.

The people of Artsakh have been living in such conditions for a long time. Some people call it enduring, others call it fighting. But I, as a citizen of the Republic of Artsakh, as one of the primary officials of the government, as a state official, I want to raise a question: how long do we have to endure and fight? Until people start dying in hospitals for lack of basic medical care or medicine? until a citizen with a simple health problem loses his life due to the impossibility of receiving medical care? until our children's health begins to deteriorate due to the lack of basic calorie food? until the elderly, citizens with health problems, pregnant women start begging for food or vitamins? until we fail to deliver the food we have to the regions, until we can't give people normal drinking water? until we start to find frozen corpses in apartments? Just a few days ago, we found the corpses of two children left unattended, whose mother had to leave them alone at home in order to find food for them. Do we, Armenians around the world, or the observing international community, need such situations or scenes?

No, dear citizens of Artsakh, we mustn’t silently endure all this. No matter how bitter or terrifying it is, Azerbaijan is pushing us to the situation I mentioned under the silence and almost inaction of the Republic of Armenia, all Armenians, the Russian Federation which is the guarantor of the tripartite declaration, and the international community. I am sure that the people of Artsakh do not deserve all this and they should not undergo such trials. Therefore, we need to stand up and forge ahead.

Dear compatriots, you know, I have never been involved in politics and I have never suffered from political selfishness. As for me, official responsibility includes being honest with the public, taking responsibility to lead the people and not thinking of sharing or shifting the responsibility onto someone else.

And now, when the people of Artsakh are facing the biggest threats, since the physical safety of our people is not guaranteed, as well as there is ominous threat of human extinction, we must stand up and start popular movement.

Before talking about our next action, I would like to address the people of the Republic of Armenia. Dear compatriots, the life and safety of the people of the Republic of Artsakh are seriously threatened. As before, so today a citizen of Artsakh lives with Mother Armenia in his heart, and with the understanding that he has three million brothers and sisters in the Republic of Armenia. But, unfortunately, after the 44-day war in 2020, the people of Artsakh felt the bitterness of loneliness.

After the war, the people of Artsakh were well aware of the vulnerable condition of Armenia and always remained reserved in many issues and at the cost of their own deprivations they tried to keep the Republic of Armenia away from pressures. We tried not to create any problem for Armenia or a means of pressure on it, but as a result we had a worse situation, a declaration to recognize Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan, disregard or uncertainty of the right to self-determination of the people of Artsakh, unguaranteed security, threats to human extinction, killing of civilians.

After all that, the Armenian people did not even see signs of peace and now, when the physical existence of the Artsakh people is threatened, we must reevaluate our steps and future actions and refrain from steps that lead to the destruction of the Armenian Artsakh and the Artsakh Armenians. Now the situation is dire more than ever, the people of Artsakh are facing serious problems and it is necessary to stop the course of this catastrophe. Artsakh is of exceptional importance for the Armenian people and Armenian statehood, Artsakh does not belong only to the people of Artsakh. Therefore, all of us should join this sacred mission of protecting Artsakh.

Dear compatriots of the Republic of Armenia, do not be silent, become a part of the popular movement that is starting in Artsakh, take actions in the direction of speaking out about the disaster in Artsakh in front of the Armenian people and authorities, international actors represented in Armenia and take practical steps.

I appeal to Armenians all over the world. Dear brothers and sisters, the people of Artsakh are under the threat of genocide, in the near future our people will face serious existential threats. All this is also the result of your silence and indifference, wake up, speak out, open all the doors and alarm about the genocide of the 21st century. Today, many countries of the world justify their passivity by your behavior. Prove that your brothers and sisters from Artsakh are not alone, they are not unprotected.

I appeal to the Russian Federation which has a key role in the trilateral declaration of November 9, 2020. The people of the Republic of Artsakh are grateful to the Russian people for stopping the 44-day bloody war and for the peacekeeping mission carried out to this day.

The people of Artsakh have always trusted and been loyal to the Russian people, they understand the situation created for Russia today, but today's Artsakh and the events happening around us have caused certain concerns among the people of Artsakh. Our people are watching with bewilderment that the needs of the peacekeepers are met with air supplies in Artsakh, which is under complete siege, there are a number of phenomena that give rise to many unanswered and worrying questions. But as a result, we have one request: please ensure unhindered traffic, transportation of people and cargo through the corridor connecting Artsakh to Armenia, stipulated by the trilateral declaration of November 9, 2020. If any of the parties of the trilateral declaration does not fulfill or improperly fulfills its duties, then it’s not the people of Artsakh who should bear the consequences of all that, and if diplomatic and political efforts and actions are needed, they should be applied to ensure the fulfillment of the obligations of those parties.

I appeal to the international community, the situation in Artsakh is dire, in a few days we will have irreversible consequences. The people of Artsakh, the 30,000 children, cannot be the victims of the West-Russia confrontation or the subject-platform for bargaining. This is a problem and the only way to solve it is to recognize the security and rights of the people living in Artsakh, including the right to self-determination as a priority value. If for the peace-loving and creative people of Artsakh this expectation is like an expectation of a miracle, then in reality it is not naivety, but a conviction that the world and humanity have not yet finally lost their face and role. If the assumed price for paying attention to the people of Artsakh is human losses and sufferings, then we are very close to that danger again. Our people have faced a lot of losses and suffering in the last three decades. Take action and don't wait for new cases of destruction of human lives to have grounds for intervention, stop this aggravating catastrophe before it's too late. Take you part of responsibility to protect the right to life of our people who are an integral part of humanity.

No one can want peace in our region more than we. And if for some people peace or its alternative ways are politics, then for us peace is an opportunity to live in our own house, to educate and raise children, to satisfy simple and human needs.

Dear citizens of Artsakh, we have no reason to give up or leave Artsakh. Living in Artsakh is not a right, but a duty. This is a written and unwritten law, this is an oath and responsibility. So we all start together the peaceful struggle for our existence and the protection of our rights. Tomorrow, at nine o'clock in the morning, we will all gather in Stepanakert's Renaissance Square, where we will decide together out next actions. We must call everyone to stand up, once again speak out about the disaster and with our steps and actions force all actors to take action. We hope that at least this time and in this situation, the popular movement starting in Artsakh will get its necessary response in Mother Armenia and the Diaspora.

May God protect Artsakh and the people of Artsakh."


Armenia, Yerevan, 0002, Martiros Saryan 22


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