Turkey’s pro-Kurdish party issues statement on 102nd anniversary of Armenian Genocide
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YEREVAN, APRIL 24, ARMENPRESS. Turkey’s pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party issued a statement on the 102nd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, reports Armenpress.
The statement says: “102 years have passed since the planned genocide of ethnic identity and faith, Mets Yeghern. 102 years ago, on April 24, 1915, the process starting from removing more than two dozens of Armenian intellectuals from their own homes to the way of death by İttihat ve Terakki(Union and Progress) party’s Teşkilât-ıMahsusa organization continued with exile of hundreds of thousands of Armenians and systematic annihilation of many others”.
The party stated the aim of actions committed against Armenians was to create a unitary state. “Unfortunately, we were too late in confronting the great crimes making a desert our geographical area. From examples in the world we know that cursing the crimes against humanity, confronting the truth, apologizing the oppressed people and believers, finding ways to restore justice, understanding each other and healing the wounds are extremely important steps to arouse the feeling of conscience and justice. Sharing the pains is an important component of jointly thinking, being able to jointly build a democratic, peaceful and equal future.
As grandchildren of the ancient peoples of Anatolia, we share the pains of 102 years, the shape and human tragedy that happened are in our hearts. We once again remember those who were killed in that period with pain and respect”, the statement reads.