Time in Yerevan: 11:07,   1 May 2024

Rehabilitation center for military disabled to be established in Yerevan N1 hospital complex

Rehabilitation center for military disabled to be established in Yerevan N1 hospital complex

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. A Military Disability Rehabilitation Center will be established in the #1 hospital complex of the M. Heratsi Yerevan State Medical University, defense minister of Armenia Vigen Sargsyan told reporters during a visit to the hospital.

“This is the idea and proposal of the university’s rector, that the center gets established here. Some possibilities have already been created by the university’s capabilities, and we will continue helping with the assistance of the Army, in order for it to be a modern institution with all opportunities for our men”, he said.

Speaking about the professionals working with disabled military servicemen, he said the result is already visible due to their daily work.

“The men are ready to continue their struggle for recovering now already in the civilian life, and it is very inspiring that our medical personnel has joined this work with dedication. The state has created numerous opportunities and programs for the military disabled. Healthcare is free for them, and in parts which are not covered by the state, we still find necessary resources for rehabilitation”, the minister said, stressing they will continue assisting the soldiers in case of necessity of treatment abroad.

Photos by Felix Arustamyan


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