
NKR’s fate cannot be decided without its participation - Vladimir Kazimirov’s interview to “Armenpress”

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NKR’s fate cannot be decided without its participation - Vladimir Kazimirov’s interview to “Armenpress”

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 26, ARMENPRESS. “Armenpress” has talked with former OSCE Minsk Group Russian Co-Chair, head of Russia’s mediatory mission, Plenipotentiary Representative of the Russian President for Political Settlement of the Conflict over Nagorno Karabakh Vladimir Kazimirov over the existing issues, solution prospects on the peaceful settlement of the NK conflict, as well as the Apri four-day war.

-Mr. Kazimirov, what were the expectations over the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict when you were Co-Chair? Whether the freeze of the conflict sooner or later would not bring to another clash?

-In summer, 1996 when leaving the post of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair, I still had hopes that there would be a progress over the Karabakh conflict settlement. From the one hand it seemed that the settlement dynamic of the previous years is not lost, and from the other hand, the Lisbon deadlock (Lisbon summit, 1996) emerged, however, the new co-chairmanship with the participation of US, France and Russia provided new hopes. During that time few could predict that there will be long-term freeze of the conflict full of numerous incidents.

-Within the years it seems that nothing has changed, except from political figures, over the Karabakh issue, moreover, the scenario is being repeated which we witnessed in April. Why?

-I think that except from figures, the approaches of mediators on solving separate issues of settlement were regularly changed to some extent. Nevertheless, the tough stances of the conflicting sides remained almost unchanged, there is a lack of constructivism.

-As for the April war, what do you think to what extent it was expected and what was the reason?

-The April military operations were hardly expected in such a scale. Nevertheless, the reason of it was the desire of Baku leadership to show in every way that they are not accepting the results of 1991-1994 war.

-Mr. Kazimirov, although numerous statements were made after the April events, however, it was not clearly stated who has started the attack. Don’t you think that it is important?

-The desire of mediators, officials and public leaders to remain neutral in such situations, and especially that of the media is not justified.

-After a short period of time, recently Azerbaijan against tries to escalate the situation, what is the guarantee that Azerbaijani will not again unleash another attack?

-Both reporters and Co-Chairs must be ready to that.

-The Co-Chairs have repeatedly said and continue saying that the conflict must be solved through political, peaceful means, however, it is more than 20 years the situation is quite the contrary, Azerbaijan’s stance didn’t change so much during those years, what can you say on this?

-I think the judgments of the Co-Chairs are right in this regard. Baku’s insatiable desire to bring back what they have lost during the war years obviously due to wrong calculations, can lead to only a certain remorse or compassion, but not to the Co-Chairs’ approval. The Azerbaijani elite will need much time to reach the reality.

-It is not ruled out that the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan will meet in near future. Taking into account that the previous meetings didn’t provide anything to the conflict solution due to Azerbaijan’s unconstructive stance, what can one expect from the possible meeting?

-I think that such meetings deserve support, even if in practice they provide very little.

-What do you think, bringing Karabakh to the negotiation table would have any impact on the process?

-This is fundamentally important issue. The fate of Nagorno Karabakh cannot be decided without its participation even if it will not lead to desirable results.

-Mr. Kazimirov, eventually, according to you what is the solution of this conflict and what are the solution mechanisms?

-I remain committed to the view that was mentioned by the Council of the CIS heads of states on April 15, 1994 a month before the ceasefire. During that time, the heads of states, including Heydar Aliyev and Levon Ter-Petrosyan supported the fact that it is necessary to eliminate the consequences of the tragic confrontation only after the reliable strengthening of the ceasefire, rather than simply a ceasefire. But whether this today exists? Where is it now? The reliable strengthening of the ceasefire is the way on solving the Karabakh conflict. Without that, it is impossible to achieve progress on the issue.

Interview by Syuzi Muradyan


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