
Nagorno Karabakh conflict must be settled only through negotiations – Lavrov

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Nagorno Karabakh conflict must be settled only through negotiations – Lavrov

YEREVAN, JUNE 6, ARMENPRESS. Nagorno Karabakh conflict must be settled only through negotiations, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced in a meeting with students of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.

“An agreement must be reached, there is no other option. In the prolonged period of the negotiations that went on in different formats, agreements were often very near, even on a distance of an outstretched hand, but afterwards some instinct of distrust came over. But we have to continue working”, “Armenpress” reports Lavrov saying.

The Russian FM stated that despite the fact that a number of principles have already been developed as a result of negotiations, “some difficult details touching very sensitive issues must be coordinated”.

“But we do not give up making attempts. As you may know, Russia, together with the USA and France is an OSCE Minsk Group Co-chair, in the sidelines of which we hold regular meetings with the sides. In the future we will think how to overcome small but very serious details which are not agreed yet”, Lavrov stated.


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