Собака обиделась на хозяйку из-за визита к стоматологу

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Взгляд питомца и его поведение – вместо тысячи слов. Такого предательства пес никак не ожидал, передаетАрменпресссо ссылкой наSputnik.

Как рассказала автор видео, она отвезла питомца к стоматологу, что ему не очень понравилось. На кадрах видно, как пес по кличке Фритц с хозяйкой сидят в автомобиле. Пес холодным взглядом смотрит в окно и не бросает взгляда на женщину, хоть она и просит посмотреть на нее. Обращение по кличке, извинения, даже приближение к собаке не меняют ситуации – Фритц обиженно смотрит в окно и не желает видеть предавшую его хозяйку. Как она вообще могла так поступить?!

Видео с собакой быстро стало вирусным в Сети, и Фритц стал главным героем новостных сюжетов американских телеканалов.

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The video that has turned @fritzmortimer into a lil viral video star. Figured it was finally time to answer some of the most popular questions I’m getting and post this as an actual post and not just a highlight haha . . -Fritz is a 2.5 year old lab mix I adopted when he was still a puppy. I adopted him in Tennessee! -Song in the first video is Nova Scotia 500 by @boyscottsocialmediamaniac, song in the second is Mantra by Boyo -I named him Fritz bc the lady who helped me adopt him had been calling him Fritz bc he looked like her grandpa’s dog who passed away. She started crying when she was telling me that and I felt bad so I promised I would keep his name Fritz. Otherwise I had my heart on naming him Dad bc I thought it’d be funny to yell C’MERE DAD at the dog park. -He has since forgiven me for taking him to his dental appointment lol. Dogs can get gum diseases that can shorten their lifespans if you’re not careful, so look into dental cleanings and chews if you’ve got your own pup! -My voice is weird I know lol -The first video was taken while parked. I’m an idiot for recording the second video while driving, even if it was only for a few seconds on a country road. There’s no excuse for it, I’ve thought about it a lot, I’m very sorry and I’m gonna do better. -“You’re not gonna talk to me? Who’s gonna tell her it’s a dog and he can’t talk” actually he CAN talk and he has an Australian accent, get on his level -Fritz has a soundcloud, link in bio bitches . For real though, thanks for loving my dog. I felt dumb for a while bc all I’d post since I adopted him were videos and pictures of him, and people would make fun of me hahah. But he’s got such a funny personality and makes me laugh every day, so I kept doing it. I’m glad I get to share that with others who love him too, now.

Публикация от Fritz (@fritzmortimer) 1 Авг 2019 в 2:37 PDT

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