Alcohol poisoning cases increase during holidays

14:31, 15 January, 2018

YEREVAN, JANUARY 15, ARMENPRESS. 46 poisoning cases was registered in Armenia during the period from January 1 to 15, Mikayel Gabrielyan – chief toxicologist of the ministry of healthcare, told a press conference in Armenpress.

He said this figure increased compared to the same period of 2017. 36 poisoning cases were registered in Armenia from January 1 to 15 of 2017.

“The alcohol poisoning cases comprise majority among the cases registered this year. Moreover, this figure increased compared to the same period of 2017. I want to state that the main reason is the alcohol abuse, rather than the bad quality of drinks. I think this figure is very high for 15 days”, he said, adding that, fortunately, no death cases have been registered.

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