More than 78 killed in terrorist bombings in Syria

15:19, 23 May, 2016

YEREVAN, MAY 23, ARMENPRESS. At least 78 people were killed and scores were injured, some critically, in a series of terrorist bombings that rocked the Syrian coastal cities Tartous  and Jableh in the morning of May 23, reports SANA.

A source at Lattakia Police Command said that 45 people were killed and others, mostly women and children, were injured, in the terrorist attacks hit Jableh city.

SANA correspondent in Lattakia said that twin terrorist bombings targeted the main entrance of the bus station in Jableh city and another terrorist bombing happened near Jableh Electricity Directorate on the outskirts of al-Amara residential neighborhood.

A fourth bombing happened as a suicide bomber blew himself up at the entrance of emergency department at Jableh National Hospital.

In Tartous, SANA reporter said that three terrorist bombings rocked the province this morning leaving more than 33 people killed and 47 others injured.

The reporter added that a car bomb exploded at the bus station gate, while a suicide bomber blew himself up inside the station.

According to the reporter, another terrorist blew himself up in the residential suburb located in front of the bus station to the west of the city.

The bombings left huge material damage.

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