Venice Commission gives positive assessment to new draft Constitution

15:37, 31 July, 2015

VENICE, JULY 31, ARMENPRESS. The activities on Constitutional reforms in Armenia and the new draft Constitution are good bases for carrying out reforms in the country.

Armenpress reports that such an assessment on draft constitution was given by the Venice Commission experts. In the preliminary assessment of the Commission, the specialists welcomed the draft and made a number of proposals on improving it.

In a 30 page document the Venice Commission makes various proposals on such issues as National Assembly activity, fraction activities, deputy mandates etc.

The Venice Commission urges the Armenian authorities to continue negotiations with all the political forces and the civil society to prevent misunderstanding and provide space for reforms. The Venice Commission is happy to continue cooperation with the Armenian authorities on these important reforms. The latter is stated in the conclusion by the Venice Commission.

The Venice Commission is an advisory body of the Council of Europe, composed of independent experts in the field of constitutional law. It was created in 1990 after the fall of the Berlin wall, at a time of urgent need for constitutional assistance in Central and Eastern Europe. The Commission's official name is the European Commission for Democracy through Law, but due to its meeting place in Venice, Italy, where sessions take part four times a year, it is usually referred to as the Venice Commission.

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