Turkey continues sending terrorists to Azerbaijan to fight against Artsakh – Zinuj Media

18:48, 2 November, 2020

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 2, ARMENPRESS. ''Zinuj Media'' prepared a reportage about the mechanisms of recruiting mercenaries by Turkey and sending them to Azerbaijan to fight against the Republic of Artsakh.

ARMENPRESS reports the reportage says that yesterday the Defense Army of Artsakh announced about taking captive another Syrian mercenary. ''It can be confidently claimed that this is not the last case. Parallel with the localization of military operations the Azerbaijani armed forces has to attack in small groups, mainly with subversive groups. As a rule, those small groups are comprised of mercenaries, who have gained some experience in Syria and Libya. Naturally, over time, some of them will appear in the hands of Artsakh's army. There are already two of them, who have already given enough information about the recruitment of mercenaries, concentration in intermediate zones and the logistic schemes of sending them to Azerbaijan. For understanding the importance of the factor of mercenaries for the Turkish authorities, it's enough to know that Ankara finances 29 such organizations according to the open sources. Each of them has its particular mission during operations, but they are all under the control of the Turkish government and receive and carry out orders from Ankara. Pone of the key tasks set for those groups was carrying out active military operations in Kurdish-populated areas of Syria, as a result of which Kurds would either be exterminated or would have to abandon their homes. In fact, Turkey uses the mercenaries for getting rid of the Kurds. Given the fact that the mercenaries are recruited from extremely poor regions, it becomes easy for Turkey to recruit mercenaries for reasonable prices for Turkey’’, says the reportage.

The offer for fighting in the side of Azerbaijan against Artsakh is quite different from that of fighting in Syria, since the payment of the mercenaries in Syria sometimes is bellow 50 USD, while the mercenaries taken captive in Artsakh had been promised 2000 USD. According to the information of the two Syrian mercenaries, the offer to go to Azerbaijan is mainly advertised by the brokers of ''Sultan Murad'', ''Hamza Division'', ''Suleyman-Shah'' Brigade and some other groups. Those who accept the offer are taken to concentration areas. It's mentioned that in the case of the 1st Syrian captive in Artsakh the concentration area was Kilis city on the border between Syria and Turkey. Here they are explained their tasks, are divided into groups, mainly 250 members. A few days later the groups are sent to airports by land transport, where without any checks, under the direct control of Turkish police, the members of the group go onboard the plane and fly to Azerbaijan together with Turkish officers.

In Azerbaijan the groups are located in special regiments, all documents are taken, Azerbaijani uniforms are given, mainly uniforms of border guard units of Azerbaijan, arms and necessary vehicles are provided, commanders are appointed, mainly from the mercenaries, and are sent to military operations.

''It's already irrefutable that this process is carried out under the direct control of the Turkish-Azerbaijani top leadership. It is a well-thought-out mechanism that operates throughout the war like a unique production line. Particularly, following the internet platforms showing air transportations, it can be seen that there are regular flights from Libya to Turkey and from Turkey to Azerbaijan. Those flights take place till now, the last one took place just today. Therefore, this criminal process of recruitment of mercenaries for fighting against Artsakh, which also poses extreme threats for the entire region, has become a normal phenomenon. By this, official Baku and Ankara create troubles not only for Artsakh by their criminal activities, but for the entire region, making it a new hotbed for terrorist organizations'', says the reportage.



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