Obama calls on de-escalation of tension between Turkey and Russia

10:39, 1 December, 2015

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 1, ARMENPRESS. U.S. President Barack Obama called on relieving tension in the relations between Turkey and Russia. White House deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said the aforementioned in a press-conference held in Paris which was broadcast in Washington, “Armenpress” reports.

Rhodes commented on the meeting between U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin held earlier in Paris. According to the official, Obama expressed to Putin his regret over the death of the Russian pilot, while emphasizing de-escalation with Turkey.

Obama told Putin that Turkey and Russia need to "avoid steps that risk further difficulties between the two countries, and frankly, further impediments to the type of progress that we need to make together to resolve the situation in Syria," Rhodes told reporters in Paris. “Armenpress” reports the aforementioned, citing Reuters.

Obama and Putin also discussed the need for cooperation between the United States, Russia, Turkey and other countries to resolve the Syria crisis, Rhodes said.

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